Nature-Based Learning Collaborative Weekly Share for May 4th
We are thrilled to have a network of regional learning centers joined together through digital sharing! Each organization and group of environmental educators has a unique focus and offering to the community, and together we are broadening our reach. We hope you are inspired to explore these resources and “use the screen to get into the green!”
Black River Action Team
Dragonfly Detectives: Social distancing meets citizen science as you become a Dragonfly Detective and help catalog dragonfly species in SE Vermont with the Black River Action Team.
Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center
An adult woodcock can be hard to find with that excellent camouflage.
In Your Neighborhood: Timberdoodling
It is woodcock courtship season - a rite of spring that can be witnessed within walking distance for many of us. Learn when and where you can find them, see their rock bob walk, and more at
Food Connects
Create a Resilience Garden: Free seeds for those who are food insecure, have lost their job, or are wanting to contribute to help feed neighbors in this situation. Link to form (approx 2 week delivery time) (A NOFA-VT and High Mowing Seeds Partnership)
The Four Winds Nature Institute
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@fourwindsnatureinstitute), or Twitter (@fourwindsnature) for suggestions about getting outside and exploring nearby nature with your family! Or, visit to see the entire list of suggestions.
Merck Forest
Explore vernal pools, moss, nature journaling, grocery gardening and more.
The Nature Museum at Grafton
Calling all writers! We’re looking for your story about how this unprecedented time has influenced your perspective on our relationship with the forces of the earth, even while sitting quietly in your own backyard. Submit your writing (1,000 words or less) by May 15th in an email to, and we will publish the collection on our website, and possibly in print.
Tales from the Land: An On-line Workshop for Teens
What stories do the older generations hold? This is a three-week interview/playwriting workshop designed to digitally connect youth with their elders during this time of physical distancing. Each student will interview an older family member or friend about their childhood, with a focus on the natural world, and compare their experiences with their own.
Outdoor Wilderness Survival Herbal Education, Andover VT USA
Wilderness survival and herbal workshop lessons for schools, companies, organizations, families and children in Andover, VT USA
Southern Vermont Natural History Museum
The Southern Vermont Natural History Museum is home to an historic collection of over 250 species of native birds and mammals, live animals, mineralogy collection and more. Due to the COVID-19 crisis we have had to close our doors and cease our outreach presentations. Follow us on facebook to stay up to date on our virtual outreach and check us out on the web . Now accepting sponsorship for public live stream events and scheduling private distance programming for you and your group.
Dinosaurs! Embark on a journey through 250 million years to explore the evolution of birds from theropod dinosaurs, with VINS as your guide.
Check our social media and website for the following activities this week:
1. Monday, May 4, 2020; 12:30pm - Make your Own Volcano
2. Wednesday, May 6, 2020; 12:30pm - Birds are Dinosaurs Exhibit Tour
3. Friday, May 8, 2020; 12:30pm - Dinosaur Descendant Encounter
4. Friday, May 8, 2020; 3:00pm - Campfire Stories
VT State Parks
Venture Vermont Challenge
You and your family will never run out of fun things to do when you participate in the Venture Vermont Outdoor Challenge.
Wolfgard Northeast
Learn about Wolfgard Northeast's efforts to bring wild canid experiential education to Vermont.