Twigs & Stems // August 2018
Here are a few links from around the web that caught our attention in recent weeks. Have you seen something that stuck with you that you'd like to share? Post it in the comments! Love what you see here? Follow us on Facebook, as we often post these goodies as we find them.
Outdoor Radio: Grassland Ambassadors Help Globetrotting Bobolinks Successfully Nest
When in Nature, Google Lens Does What the Human Brain Can't
How your split ends can help clean oil spills
YouTube / Vox
Does Water Usage and Conservation Really Matter? Yes. Here’s Why
Business Connect
World's first semi-submerged art gallery will be a coral habitat
How nature helps empower people going through cancer treatment
Outdoor Radio: Grassland Ambassadors Help Globetrotting Bobolinks Successfully Nest
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
This ‘flow battery’ could power green homes when the sun goes down and the wind stops blowing
Science Magazine
What Do Wild Animals Do in Wildfires?
National Geographic