4 Ways to Be Involved in This Year's Fairy House Festival

Mark your calendar to don your wings, and take flight at the 10th Anniversary Fairy
House Festival on September 29th and 30th! 

Where else can children and adults indulge their imaginations, connect with nature intimately and discover that anything is possible?

We need people like you who treasure the world around them and understand how small ideas can have a rippling impact. The Fairy House Festival is one of those small ideas that has changed lives.

In the lead up to this very exciting weekend, our largest fundraiser, there is much to be done. And we need your help! Read on for ways that you can help support the festival and be involved. 

1. Contribute a financial gift . . .

Your donations fuel our camps, workshops, and community events and help us improve the festival for everyone. $500 supports renovating our pond. $200 places a restful bench along our trail. $150 supports a build-a-fort-in-the-woods kids’ program. $100 supports our outdoor classroom and $50 can re-up our children’s binoculars. We’ll acknowledge your generosity on our Gratitude Tree, social media, and in our press releases (with your permission, of course). Make a donation!

2. Create your own fairy house for our woodland fairy village! . . .

The festival’s fairy village is fresh each year. Building a house is a fun, creative, team-building collaboration. Each fairy house exhibit receives a free adult and child ticket. We have tips and tricks to help you out. Sign up to be a builder!

3. Join our volunteer squad . . .

We’re always looking for individuals ready to lend a hand leading up to the festival and especially during the festival weekend. You’ll get in FREE and receive a Fairy House Festival t-shirt. Be a part of the magic!

4. Purchase tickets and spread the word! . . .

Purchase tickets online and invite your friends and family to join in [the fun. Are you on Facebook? Share this event!

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