Twigs and Stems // January 2017
Here are a few links from around the web that caught our attention in recent weeks. Have you seen something that stuck with you that you'd like to share? Post it in the comments! Love what you see here? Follow us on Facebook, as we often post these goodies as we find them.
Photo by David Govatski/USFWS via Flickr
"USFWS Looks to Quadruple Size of Wildlife Refuge Over the Coming Decades"
Karen Bass: Unseen Footage, Untamed Nature
NASA's Best Photos of Earth from Space of 2016
"How rare were the unusually high temperatures around the North Pole in November–December 2016?"
World Weather Attribution
How to Draw Birds
John Muir Laws Website
"Mothers unleash their organizing power on climate"
"Google to be powered 100% by renewable energy from 2017"
The Guardian
VIDEO: National Geographic // Expedition Wild: Inside The Wolf Pack
VIDEO: Science Wars - Acapella Parody