Walk Away a Winner at Our Upcoming Bee Workshop with Ross Conrad!
Both seasoned beekeepers and those who are just started out will take something away from attending our Saturday, March 12th workshop event led by Ross Conrad, a former president of the Vermont Beekeeper's Association and current owner of Dancing Bee Gardens in Middlebury.
All will walk away with invaluable, specific advice for working with honey bee queens and swarms, as well as ways to control for pests and disease, while relying on organic and natural methods. Two lucky winners will walk away with a raffled signed copy of Conrad's highly regarded guidebook or DVD, Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Apiculture.
A former student of Charles Mraz, a renowned beekeeper and founder of Champlain Valley Apiaries, Conrad is teacher who is eager to share his experiences opting for less toxic approaches to keeping hives healthy and thriving.
Don't miss this exciting event and your chance to win a copy of one of Conrad's guides! You will come away from the day with new insights that you can implement moving forward.
Check out the clip below from Ross's Organic Beekeeping DVD for an even better idea of how informative this workshop event will be.
Tickets are available now; purchase yours today online to save your spot!
“Natural Beekeeping describes opportunities for the seasoned professional to modify existing operations, increase profits, and eliminate the use of chemical treatments. Beginners will need no other book to guide them. Whether you are an experienced apiculturist looking for ideas to develop an integrated pest management approach or someone who wants to sell honey at a premium price, this is the book you’ve been waiting for.”