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Preschool Programs In March

  • 186 Townshend Road Grafton, VT, 05146 United States (map)

These program sessions offer creative, open-ended, exploratory programs developed for children ages 3 to 6 and their caregivers. Our goal is to foster an early love of the natural world and an eagerness to explore and have fun outside! Additionally, these sessions provide a great introduction to the learning environment we cultivate for our Wee Explorers camp experiences, our entry-level camp experience for kids ages 4 & 5.

Program sessions will be held monthly from February - June. Programs occur outdoors as much as possible. We invite young adventurers to explore the natural world through interactive and hands-on lessons, activities, outdoor adventures, and play. This program is held at The Nature Museum and typically involves exploring and learning in nearby-nature that include forest, meadow, pond, river, the Magic Forest Playscape, and our native plant garden.

Drop-ins are welcome, but registration is strongly encouraged.

Cost: $20 per singular session; $15 for 3 or more sessions.

Caregivers are free and accompanying children under the age of 3 are free.

Is cost or access a barrier to your participation? We may be able to help.

Please email or call 802-843-2111.

March: Grateful For Maple

Friday 03/14/25

Program: 9:30AM - 10:30AM

Playgroup: 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Grateful For Maple

Maple syrup is a magical ingredient to our taste buds. Maple syrup is a true sweet treat of nature that can only be made at a special time of year. So, where does maple syrup come from? What happens to get it from tree to pancake? There is a lot of science and effort that happens to make this special sweet syrup. Come discover more about the New England tradition of maple sugaring. If the time is right, we’ll visit a local sugar shack to see maple sugaring in action! (Approx. 5 minute drive away to Plummer’s Sugar House). Alternatively, we’ll head out to discover nearby maple trees, thank them for their sweet treat, and taste some maple syrup around a campfire. (Conditions permitting)

Playgroup Session:

If snow conditions allow, snow play is encouraged! Sledding, snowshoeing, snow fort building, and free play in the playscape will be available. The museum has a limited number of snowshoes and sleds. Feel free to bring your own!