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Kindred Spirits: Animal Tracking and Winter Adaptations

Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017
Time: 10:00am-11:30am
Ages: All ages
Cost: By donation
Location: Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center, Grafton, VT

Where do animals go during the winter? Do they all hibernate? How do they travel? These are a few questions to be explored when we discover the wonders of native New England wildlife in winter. This workshop will be led by environmental educator Jay DeGregorio. Many of our native species remain active during winter and move about in their habitats to find food, shelter, and mates. By moving about, these animals will often leave clues about their journey in the form of different tracks in the snow and ice. This allows us to look at these clues and learn about these animals with new eyes. An RSVP is encouraged, drop-ins are welcome. Snowshoes required.  Limited snow shoes available for children.  Please call to reserve! 

Meet Jay DeGregorio

Jay is passionate environmental educator who loves teaching all people, but most enjoys teaching young students in the outdoors. Jay believes all people can discover wonder and joy in learning, and that environmental education is one of the best platforms to foster these experiences. He was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA but now lives in Keene, NH. Jay enjoys teaching about forestry, wildlife, geography, and ecology in general. Jay received his B.S. in geography with minors in natural science and geographic information science from Penn State University. He received his M.S in environmental studies with a concentration in environmental education from Antioch University New England. Jay is a weather buff, enjoys amateur photography, loves to snowboard whenever possible, finds joy in any time outdoors, and is big fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers as well as the Pittsburgh Penguins.

About Kindred Spirits

This monthly Saturday program series is designed to build a greater understanding between all creatures of the Earth by exploring the mysteries of nature. By offering a shared experience that draws families together, participants will develop a stronger kinship with our Earth and each other. Programs will take place rain or shine, with hands-on activities both indoors and out. 

Later Event: February 21
Brave Bears